Judges Application Forms

Information for judges.

The Birmingham & District Dobermann Club, The Midland Dobermann Club,  The North of England Dobermann Club,  The South East of England Dobermann Club, The South West Dobermann Club & The Scottish Dobermann Club maintain the judging lists A1, A2, A3, B & C.

Applications for the judging lists or progression to another list must be made to any one of the above Clubs’ Secretaries, details below.  The applicant should send 6 (six) copies or email a copy of the fully completed questionnaire and appropriate certificates.   You may also scan & email your questionnaire and any appropriate certificates to the co-ordinator:  von@awningace.com (Please reduce the file size of any scanned documents to be appropriate for emailing)  At the judges sub-committee meeting, voting on the application will take place and those achieving approval will be added to the relevant list.  Applications will only be accepted on the correct form and applications that do not meet criteria will be returned by the Club Secretary. Shaded areas and ghost figures on each application form indicate that this is a minimum requirement. Applicants are required to sign a declaration that they have read and understood the Kennel Club Code of Best Practice for Judges and the Dobermann Breed Standard and that they will judge in accordance with it.

From 1 January 2021, no one can judge unless they meet JEP level 1 requirements (existing CC judges excluded). The exception to this is where a valid contract was in place before the 24 February 2020 press announcement and the appointment complies with Kennel Club Regulation F(1)20.b. To be able to judge more than three classes of a breed (four if a puppy class is scheduled) at any show or any number of classes at a championship show without CCs, a judge must be listed on a breed club/council B list or above or meet JEP level 2 requirements.

Those judges listed as having either a Breed Credit Certificate for Dobermanns under the KC Judges Development Programme or those approved to judge Best In Show at General Championship Shows and ‘Policy Judges’ in the Working Group shall, upon submission of a fully completed application form, be automatically entitled to inclusion of the Non-Breed Specialist ‘B’ list

The Clubs reserve the right to review and/or amend the lists as is deemed necessary.  We are not required to include all Judges who qualify under this criteria, nor are we required to give any reasons for exclusion. Judges will be notified in writing of any changes to their status.  Inclusion on a Judges list in one year does not automatically ensure subsequent inclusion.  The above Clubs’ will only select judges for their open & championship shows from those who fulfil this criteria

The Kennel Club Judges Education Programme & Our Revised Judges’ Criteria (effective January 2022)
Transition to the new Kennel Club system will continue for a further 4 years when the JEP will be fully implemented.  All the information regarding the JEP and what you will need to have achieved as a judge to transition onto the various levels can be found here.

Until it’s full implementation, both ‘systems’ will run alongside each other & you can choose between the requirements of the JEP or, the “traditional” route via the Clubs.  The Clubs’ will continue to maintain & promote our judging lists and encourage & aid judges’ to achieve the highest possible level at transition with the aid of the Breed Education Coordinator.  We will also introduce an A2 list for those judges whom have completed all of the criteria of the A3 list but have yet to be offered a CC appointment; information on the A2 judges list procedure can be found here.

The judges’ sub-committee of the six Clubs’ have a joint general data protection (GDPR) & retention policy in relation to data held for the judges’ lists, please click on the the link below for further information.

Our judges lists are updated regularly; to view the latest lists, please click below.



A1 List

For people who have previously been approved by The Kennel Club to award CC’s in the breed, have completed their first appointment and have the support of the six breed clubs.  The persons named on this list must have fulfilled the requirements of A3 list.


For people who have undertaken the 3 (three) requisite A2 assessments and been approved by The Kennel Club to appear on an A2 list and have the support of the six breed clubs.  The persons named on this list will not have completed their first CC appointment and must have fulfilled the requirements of A3 list.



1. To have judged 1 (one) Dobermann Breed Club Open Show.
2. To have judged the breed at a minimum of 10 (ten) all breed Open or Championship
Shows without CC’s with an adequate geographical spread.
(Breed club open shows do not count towards this)
3. To have judged a minimum of 40 (forty) classes of Dobermanns. (You must only list the classes
where dogs were actually present; NOT the number of classes scheduled to take place).
4. To have judged a minimum of 120 (one hundred and twenty) dogs of this breed.
(* See updated KC directive on the following page regarding eligible numbers)
5. To have attended at least 1(one) Dobermann breed appreciation day.(** BAD; formerly known as
breed specific education seminar) run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice.
(Copy of attendance certificate for EITHER required)
6. To have taken & passed a multiple choice question paper on the breed standard.
(Copy of pass certificate required)
7. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant
examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures.
(Copy of pass certificate required)
8. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation
& Movement. (Copy of attendance certificate required)
9. To have attended a Points of the Dog Assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
and passed the assessment. (Formerly known as Conformation & Movement ‘Hands on Assessment’ –
Copy of pass certificate required)
10. To have stewarded at 6 (six) Shows.
11. To have attended a Dobermann breed specific judging competence assessment and passed the
the assessment test. (*** Previously known as ‘judges assessment examination’ – EITHER a ‘Breed
Certificate In Judging Competence’ award OR a DBC Judges Assessment Test ‘Pass’ in: (i) Written
Assessment Test, (ii) “Hands On”, (iii) Critique Writing is required. Copy of pass certificate(s) required.
12. To have bred and/or owned a minimum of 3 (three) dogs when they obtained their first
entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book (Save in exceptional circumstances-please give a written


1. To have judged a minimum of 14 (fourteen) classes of Dobermanns at all breeds Open or
Championship Shows without CC’s. (You must only list the classes where dogs were actually present;
NOT the number of classes scheduled to take place).
2. To have judged a minimum of 40 (forty) dogs of this breed.
(* See updated KC directive on the following page regarding eligible numbers)
3. To have attended at least 1(one) Dobermann breed appreciation day.(** BAD; formerly known as
breed specific education seminar) run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice.
(Copy of attendance certificate for EITHER required)
4. To have taken & passed a multiple choice question paper on the breed standard.
(Copy of pass certificate required)
5. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant
examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures.
(Copy of pass certificate required)
6. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation
& Movement. (Copy of attendance certificate required)
7. To have attended a Points of the Dog Assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
and passed the assessment. (Formerly known as Conformation & Movement ‘Hands on Assessment’ –
Copy of pass certificate required)
8. To have stewarded at 6 (six) Shows.


1. To have 5 (five) years experience owning and exhibiting in this breed (breed specialist) OR
5 (five) years judging experience in any one breed (non-breed specialist).
2. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant
examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures.
(Copy of pass certificate required)
3. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation
& Movement. (Copy of attendance certificate required)
4. To have attended a Points of the Dog Assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer
and passed the assessment. (Formerly known as Conformation & Movement ‘Hands on Assessment’ –
Copy of pass certificate required)
5. To have stewarded at 6 (six) Shows.


Must be approved by the governing body of the country in which they are domiciled to award CC’s (or the equivalent) in Dobermanns and complete the overseas questionnaire to the satisfaction of the six breed clubs

Our JSC GDPR Policy can be found here